How to Choose the Correct Outdoor Faucet Size

Every year hundreds of thousands of homeowners replace their existing outdoor faucets. One of the most important questions that may come to mind is “what size spigot do I need?”
Aquor’s guide for choosing the correct stem length is a helpful starting point to figure out which outdoor faucet size you need for your home.
Where is your faucet located?
A. Piping connects inside wall (drywall) ➤ 2" to 6” depending on siding and wall depth
See the upper half of the Aquor size guide illustrations for reference, pictured below.
- Stud size (2x4 or 2x6)
- What siding do you have?
- Hardie lap siding with 2x4 studs ➤ close couple with elbow inlet
- Hardie lap siding with 2x6 studs ➤ 4” with elbow inlet
- Stucco siding with 2x4 studs ➤ close couple with elbow inlet
- Stucco siding with 2x6 studs ➤ 4” with elbow inlet
- Brick siding with 2x6 studs ➤ 6” with elbow inlet
B. Piping connects in open area (basement / crawl space) ➤ 8" to 12”+ depending on siding and wall depth.
See the lower half of the Aquor size guide illustrations for reference, pictured below.
- The hydrant stem has to be long enough to clear the wall and sit comfortably inside the open space. This will most likely be a length between 8” and 12.”
- Sizing depends on how far back your current pipe is located in the crawl space or basement. Evaluate your setup, taking the siding into consideration.
C. Piping connects in floor joist / T-wall
- Floor joist and T-wall installations allow longer hydrant lengths even though they are located in walls. Outdoor faucets are often placed in a T-wall location to accommodate longer lengths for freeze protection (especially in colder areas).
Still unsure of which size hydrant you need? Take our Stem Length Quiz.
Want to chat with an Aquor team member? We're happy to help!
*It is important to note that some houses may have unique setups that do not follow the typical outdoor faucet sizing guidelines.